Pope Emeritus Benedict boldly declared: "The world offers you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness." Young people aren't made for the short-lived pleasures of the world. Rather, they are intentionally designed for everlasting joy. They are made to be saints. This talk examines the universal call to holiness and how to courageously pursue one's eternal purpose.
Born in New Jersey and raised in Ohio, Maggie Craig currently resides in California. Equipped with an M.A. in Theology and a gift for humor and storytelling, Maggie travels the country full-time as a speaker and retreat leader. She enjoys rooting for Lebron James, quoting movies, and consuming breakfast burritos. For more info, visit her website Maggie-craig.com, check out her YouTube channel, follow her on Instagram @Maggie_Craig_Ministries, or find her on Tik Tok @Maggie Craig Ministries.