Integrating Technology with Catechesis: 3 Essentials for a Post-Pandemic World
Steve Botsford
The pandemic accelerated the use of digital technology for catechesis. While many approaches were practiced, which ones should remain as attributes in our programs and sessions? This session will propose three essential digital technologies for success in the post-pandemic world.
Steve Botsford is the Senior Director of Digital Catechesis for William H. Sadlier, Inc. He is a convert to the Catholic faith and holds a Master of Religious Education degree from Loyola University New Orleans. He also holds a Church Management certificate from Villanova University. Steve is a master catechist in the Archdiocese of Atlanta and has served over 10 years in parish ministry as a youth minister and DRE. He is a co-host of Catechist Stream ( and writes a blog exploring catechesis and technology at