With the constant demands and influences of social media, family stress and world wide concerns, it is easy to lose sight of what is important in life and who we really are. This presentation offers practical advice on how to become fully oneself, even in calamitous times. The human experience can be difficult, but the miracle of each person is so important to understand and embrace.
Chris Padgett is a popular speaker and author who has traveled around the world for over two decades. A convert to Catholicism, he also taught at Franciscan University of Steubenville and currently teaches with Catholic Distance University. He and his wife, Linda, have been married over 30 years and have nine children. The Padgetts live in Central New York and work in marriage ministry full time. Learn more about Chris's family by following their YouTube channel, "The Happy Place Homestead" and their marriage ministry at www.chrisandlindapadgett.com. Chris has published numerous books and articles, and has been involved in video, television, and radio for many years. His recent publications include," A Spirituality You Can Live With", "Why the Eucharist Matters for Your Life", and "I'm Not OK, You're Not Ok, but It's OK".